Sunday, July 10, 2005


Brainhell booklog1

Strategic Deception in the Second World War, Michael Howard, suboptimal, 7/8/05
The Red Badge of Courage, Stephen Crane, optimal, 7/10/05
Collapse, Jared Diamond, optimal, 8/18/05
The Seige of Eternity, Frederik Pohl, suboptimal, 11/17/05
Misquoting Jesus, Bart D. Ehrman, optimal, 1/2/06
Lesbian Pulp Fiction, Katherine V. Forrest, optimal, 2/6/06
Will in the World, Stephen Greenblatt, optimal, 2/28/06
Military Misfortunes, Cohen and Gooch, suboptimal, 3/10/06
The 9/11 Commission Report Omissions and Distortions, Griffen, optimal, 6/20/06

I consider almost any book worth reading, and just because I rate one 'suboptimal' does not mean I warn you away from it. It just means I saw flaws.


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